
We were sitting at lunch. Thinking about next year. We were all going to different schools. It would be pretty sad to never see each other again. So we decided to make a co-owned blog. This way we wouldn't completley forget each other. We hope this lasts untill we graduate, maybe longer. Hopefully longer.

We are all PRISM students or alumni. PRISM is a gifted program with too much homework and tests. Even though we are "gifted children", we rarely act like it. It's hard to spend this much time together without loosing at least a large chunk of one's sanity.

(If any of you guys want to add anything here, post a comment somewhere, or mention it)

posted by Mary at 3:54 PM

Comments Blocked

Friday, April 21, 2006


I am so freakishly bored, its scary. I had too much sugar to sleep. I spent the last half an hour reading other people's blogs. There are way too many in other languages. They should just kick them off and put them on a separate website. Like one blogspot for each language ( or something).

I miss snowboarding every Saturday. Why does the stupid snow have to melt?!? Now I spend every weeked doing nothing but bothering people online.

I made a site for my brothers runescape friends [x] for almost free. I made some more layouts for my online friends.

I ate three slices of pizza, steak, and ice cream.

I cleaned my room (yes, I am this bored), and I'm almost bored enough to read the packets on Christianity for that test on Monday. Well, not really. I would rather pick my eyeballs out with a fork, than study for a test. I'm serious. Really.

Random funny thing for today: For comp. skills (stupid class, if you haven't noticed), some kid spelled the word 'does' wrong. On the top of his powerpoint it said 'what he dose for a living'. And it wasn't a typo. The same spelling was used like three more times throughout the powerpoint. Lol. Stupid people are always so amusing.

You know, I really don't mind the stupid people. They are fun to laugh at. Very amusing. What I really hate are people smarter than me. They all deserve to have their eyeballs picked out with forks. That would make me happy. Haha... the 'Hawaiian shirt thing' got a B on his test. *continues being happy*. Lol, I'm still in a good mood. Kinda scary. I'll start being nice, if I don't get angry or pissed off soon... eww... what a horrible thought.

posted by Mary at 10:25 PM


Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I'm so horribly lazy. I have to write two drafts for my speech, and three copies of the final draft with the rhetorical elements barked. I have a so-so first draft, and the rest still needs to be done. . I'm still procrastinating though, I'm writing blog posts instead. I'm probably going to stay up till ten or so writing.

Oh, we're taking the WASL in school right now. Standerized tests are so much fun. After finishing the section in like ten miunutes, I spent half the day doing absolutley nothing. I drew this awesome fishy getting eaten and read (skimmed) some packet. And they make me happy too. Getting the reports back, with 99%ile all the way down is so nice. Lol. The stupid ppls are making such a big deal of it. They study, and they're like nervous... And my 'healthy snack' for today: Fruit snacks and a cookie.

Haha. I'm in such a good mood. First, this kid that I strongly dislike got a B on an LA/SS test, and he was so angry. I ate Kat's icecream for lunch. And some more cookies. And a peanutbutter and chocolate sandwich. Then Ashwin got in trouble with the Spanish teacher for being late to class. Ahh... all their suffering makes me so happyful. I know. I'm such a nice person.

posted by Mary at 4:04 PM


Sunday, April 16, 2006

BACK from France!!!!

All i can say is: It was Super fun and i wish i could stay there and not come back for a while. I can't believe i have school tomorrow...

posted by mxxxieeeeee at 2:44 PM


Friday, April 14, 2006

Break is almost over x_X

Yay! This evil bunny was inspired by Easter and Halo 2. They really shouldn't mix. Hmm... Xbox live is pretty fun. My rank isn't that good yet, but its going up, so I'm happy. And here is a nice description of my experience with grenades: . Lol, I actually did get a few plasma grenades stuck to my head... Yum!

I borrowed my friend's GPS and decided to try Geocaching. Well, I was walking down the street, looking at my GPS and I stepped in a puddle up to my ankle. My foot was all wet, but I kept going. After nearly avoiding a few trees and cars I got to the park. I found the right locatioin, but it was all icky and wet, so I didn't want to look. Poor Mary didn't find anything.

At least the bright side of break--I got no work done. *pokes the Aeneid* I fell asleep reading this book. Didn't even bother with the Christianity packets. And the speech, oh... yeah....

posted by Mary at 7:49 PM


Monday, April 10, 2006

Boredom over Break

I'm so horribly bored this break. Well, I got xbox live yesterday, so it's pretty fun, but my parents decided to unplug it so that I wouldn't spend the rest of my life playing it. Halo 2 is fun again. I'm really out of shape because I haven't played in like two years, but I'll be nice and pwnful soon.
Because of the horrible boredom, I spent all of today eating. Between 11am-3pm, I ate:
A bowl of cereal
A cherry jam sandwich
A cheese sandwich
A grilled cheese sandwich
A fish sandwich
A sandwich with noodles in it.
A meat sandwich x2
An apple
A pear
Leftover steak
Yes, eating was very fun. Sadly, I can't make anything but sandwiches and reheated leftovers, and sandwiches with leftovers. Now the internet is back, so I can be happy agian.

Also, you may have noticed some minor layout changes. The sidebar stuff has now been moved to the side, and there is a pretty 'links' section. But it doesn't really work in firefox. Too bad for the firefox people.

posted by Mary at 8:11 PM


Friday, April 07, 2006

Hot Dogs

Aww... Isn't it cute. I found it on the web (duh). Katharyn is so gonna kill me for... uhh... eating the little puppy.

PS. No, those hands are not mine. I didn't take the picture, and my hands aren't that ugly.

posted by Mary at 9:22 PM


Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well, I don't really know why, but I feel like writing about noobs today. There was the whole "what's a noob?" question, and we talked a lot about noobs during math/lunch.

Well, first of all, what is a noob?
Noob adj.
1. A person who is new and or inexperienced to an environment, situation, or game, but doesn't admit it. This person also carries the belief that they are experienced / skilled in that environment, when reality proves otherwise.
2. A person who continually fails and does not learn from their mistakes, and repeats the process.
3. A person who sucks at something.

Ok, so now that the noobs who didn't know before, know what a noob is, we can continue. So why are people noobs? I would say there are a few reasons.
1. They are stupid, annoying, and have an IQ of about -112.42.
2. They are new. This kind of noobiness is easy to fix.
3. Someone is just bored and feels like acting nooby.

Well, in some games, the term "newb" is used to describe new players. This way they don't get offended. I think its a complete waste. Newbs are nooby, even though they are new. There is nothing wrong with calling them noobs, even though it might make they cry and quit.

ppl wh0 t41k lyk dis
I see nothing wrong with it. 1337 is pretty hard to learn, and is more of a skill not a noob thing. Yes people find it annoying, too bad for them.

Mean ppl.
There is absolutley nothing wrong with being mean. Being mean is fun. If you call mean people noobs, then you are a noob yourself.

Ppl who think they are smart and brag about it online
Noobs. NOOBS. NOOBS. First of all, they probably aren't very smart. A brighter person would keep their mouth shut. Second of all, only and idiot would belive/trust some random online person. Anyone can (an will) lie.

Noobs are people who suck at what they do. They can either be new, or just be stupid. Its ok to be a noob. Lots of people are noobs. Noobs are amusing. And it gives us more people to laugh at.

posted by Mary at 7:32 PM


Monday, April 03, 2006

Evil Ducky

This is today's doodle. The evil ducky of doom. Evil ducky is evil...

Hmm... well, we have a bunch of tests. But studying is always so boring. Hmm... I guess Mary will draw a bunch of evil duckies instead.

posted by Mary at 5:44 PM


Sunday, April 02, 2006

poke 4

I don't see the point of this... but .....POKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by mxxxieeeeee at 12:03 PM


POKE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I, Connie W. of Bellevue declare against, uh, let's see, Mary, Letitia, Marjorie, Soumya, Katharyn, and anyone I forgot...
A POKE WAR!!!!!!!!!!

Yesh, that's right, a poke war. Remember no teaming up coughexceptagainstmarycough or saying anything like "poke x infiniti'. You may only poke each individual once at each post :K Let the poking begin!!!! *pokes everyone*

P.S. *poke*

P.S.S. *poke x2*

P.S.S.S. *poke x3*

P.S.S.S.S. *poke x4*

P.S.S.S.S.S. I'm done poking now.

P.S.S.S.S.S.S. Pfft. Right. *poke x5*

posted by Anonymous at 10:00 AM



Awesome drawing. what is it?

posted by mxxxieeeeee at 9:46 AM


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Art and snowboarding. And eating.

Hello. Isn't my drawing soo cute. Mary thinks its cute. If you don't think its cute, Mary will eat you .

Umm... anyway... Mary went snowboarding today. It was fun. Mary landed five big jums and went down the halfpipe. And then, Mary came home. And ate. And ate. And played on the computer. And ate some more.
Wow... Mary wrote the whole post in third person!

posted by Mary at 6:57 PM




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