Welcome back =) Too bad everyone decided to leave about the time you came back... *glares at everyone*
yay marjorie is on!
lol i made my own blog because bunches of ics ppls had them
oh yea + if you didn't look at my other comment
this is michael zhang
some random dude who goes to ihs
lol... who else is here?
obviously nobody lol
Haha Mary's probably too busy/lazy to come here any more. Letitia is busy as well *hugs her* Everyone else has decided they can't abide fools like us =o
mary's in oregon w/ tori
lol Connz sounds so negative now. everyone's prob enjoying their winter break thats almost over...
*snort* Well good for Mary. She hasn't been here in about three months.
And of course I sound negative. I come here when I'm in a bad mood, unfortunately for you peoples.
ahh craps
winter break almost over o_O
you don't want to say that in front of me
+ who's marmar612?
oh nvm it's marjorie
i'm smart ;P
Abosultely brilliant -.-;;;
Haha I'm enjoying the boredome while I can =o
lol so much for piano ;P
Chyeah. My mom's giving me until 3:00 =o That means two mintues x.x
⌐.⌐ <~~ I could use that face more often...
Heh erm nevermind, that was a symbol from MS Word, but I guess it doesn't show up here =o Just boxes... ⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐
awesome boxes i agree ;P
I'm baaaaaaack.....
from the disgusting pool that was really warm and tasted like the ocean.
xDDD Welcome back! =P I might post a new post...
add me to this blog thingie!
Imma tania, btw.