lol Nice. I like the BOOM part the best =D
P.S. *POKE*!
*pokes tiger pic*
It looks yummy :D
*pokes your birthday*
what are conmmunitsts?
*pokes you*
*pokes Kat*
*pokes con*
Don't you poke me! *pokes mary*
*pokes you again*
*feels evil*
=K Tsk tsk, you shouldn't poke people so often. *pokes you*
HOMG, weird people! =x
It's Vicki. Me to lazy to log in right now.
*pokes you*
Mary, you coment on your own posts more than NEbody else
Tsk tsk, Katharyn, you can't do that...and why are you yelling at me? It's Mary's post.