
We were sitting at lunch. Thinking about next year. We were all going to different schools. It would be pretty sad to never see each other again. So we decided to make a co-owned blog. This way we wouldn't completley forget each other. We hope this lasts untill we graduate, maybe longer. Hopefully longer.

We are all PRISM students or alumni. PRISM is a gifted program with too much homework and tests. Even though we are "gifted children", we rarely act like it. It's hard to spend this much time together without loosing at least a large chunk of one's sanity.

(If any of you guys want to add anything here, post a comment somewhere, or mention it)

posted by Mary at 3:54 PM

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Summer Stretch is over

Yeah... It was actually kinda sad. In a way, it was sadder then the last day of school--because after school ended I would see most of my friends again, and I didn't care about most of the people anyways. I had a bunch of nice friends this time...

We played basketball and prank called people on the last day. It was pretty fun.

And the doughnuts and pitchforks that we drew before class xD

Yeah... I'll miss a lot of the people though.

I miss you too, Yolanda. You have to come back and visit sometimes...

posted by Mary at 4:17 PM


posted by Shengwoo at 1:03 PM


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Computer+summer+mary^junkfood = :-)

I was taking a break from making prunscape and stuff, so I'm working on a big-update for my website. Complete with drop down menus, organization, and updates. It's pretty nice.

Listening to Panic! at the Disco, AFI. The quiet scares me.

I like it dark in my room, I've lost track of time. I just eat whenever I'm hungryish and sleep when people tell me to.

I'm bored. And everyone else seems to be be slow on posting. It's funner when there's lots of stuff to read. It's kinda scary that we've been here for a while now... 5 months.

A happy story:
Sherlock holmes and Dr. Watson were flying in a hot air balloon. They were surrounded by fog and did not know where they were. They came closer to the ground. There was a person there.

"Where are we?" Asked Holmes.

"You're in a hot air balloon," said the person.

Then they floated up into the fog again.

"That person was a mathmatician," Holmes stated.

"How do you know?" asked Watson.

"Elementary, my dear Watson. First of all, he thought before he answered. Second, his answer was correct. Third, his answer was completely useless."

posted by Mary at 4:57 PM


Thursday, July 06, 2006


So I've been going to summer stretch a lot. It's pretty easy, and not that bad.

posted by Mary at 8:55 PM


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

World Cup Soccer Update:

Italy has owned Germany 2-0 (last minute action) and France won 1-0 playing Portugal in the semifinals. YAY! I feel sorry for the host country. But Italy rocks! France rocks even more!!!!! ( don't yell at me for that one) Let's go back in time. England vs. Portugal : very close match. Portuagal won the penalty kick. They both put lots of effort. Brazil vs. France: what a surprise critics say. "I thought Brazil was going to win.." blahblahblahblah..... France owns! i know.. i feel sorry for Brazil too, but SOMEONE had to win! What happened to Ronaldihno and Ronaldo and all those good Brazilian players? again, last minute real action for Brazil, but it was all pretty drity and hard the whole time. Both sides were awesome . good match.
ok. so that's it for now, Whosaidcowscantfly - ers. Third place match is on Saturday and FINAL IS ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!

ok... sorry for the overreaction, my dadddy's even crazier :P

posted by mxxxieeeeee at 6:01 PM



Ok everyone post your skool schedules here :)
here's mine:

1. Hiat
2. Bio
3. ORchestra
4. french 2
5. um ss?
6. frosh comp (lol prob la)
7. art 1 (ugh) / PE

posted by mxxxieeeeee at 5:55 PM




Mid-Winter Break

Hi, I'm back from temporary deadness

Winter Break

Mary Posts =o


Summer Stretch is over

Computer+summer+mary^junkfood = :-)

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